Analyse your data from distributed systems on a single platform for crime detection.
“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.” Sherlock Holmes, “A Study in Scarlett”
(Arthur Conan Doyle).
Advanced analytical methods and visualization screens to discover suspicious patterns.
Datactive is a comprehensive analysis platform allows you to analyse a wide variety of large volume data to detect all kinds of illicit activities. Data from different sources can be analysed on a single platform. Query and singularize structured and unstructured data stored in different sources on a single interface. Use all relational databases, web services, excel files, big data systems and reduce your hardware cost. Manage your data by configuring the logical connections on the user interface without development costs.
Datactive Query Language (DQL): Add functions with zero-code.
Add right-click actions for easy data discovery with DQL, the query language we developed. Collect time-consuming and complex analysis in one function with zero code. New queries can be dynamically added to the system and the system can be configured without technical support.
Discover the unknown.
Transfer your query results to the advanced entity-link analysis view. With its extensive relationship and network analysis ability, identify critical entities and suspicious patterns with visual data mining techniques. Save your analysis and share it with other users. Datactive sets query performance autonomously through smart learning features and provides smart access to data.
Create your scenario and be notified if any match with flowing data.
Save your crucial analysis as a scenario, schedule them, and set alarms. Share your analysis with your team via SMS and e-mail. Datactive enables you to create unique scenarios with the entities you define on the system and enriched filtering options.
Geospatial analysis with your spatial data.
Create your queries on a map and drill down without losing your focus. Switch to the map view during your analysis and analyse your data in spatial dimension with rich field determination tools.
High performance at all scales with smart learning techniques.
Monitor your query performance constantly and create an optimum work plan automatically for each query. Perform even the most complex analysis in the most ideal time. Datactive is developed with modern web technologies and enables you to customize its user-friendly interface in consistent with your corporate identity.


Law Enforcement
Revealing connections between a high volume of data from many different sources for crime detection may be too difficult and time-consuming…
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Financial Crime Detection for Compliance Regulations
With technological developments and an increase in data volume in expanding financial markets, different techniques….
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